K + S Architects participan en un concurso de arquitectura con un proyecto para la realización de una casa eco-sostenible, llamado Tatami House, en los Estados Unidos. Parte del resultado del concurso estará determinado por las preferencias del público, por lo cual os adjuntamos toda la información del mismo, facilitada por uno de los arquitectos, Iacopo Sassi. Esperemos que os resulte interesante y os animamos a votar en el siguiente enlace:
Krueger+Sassi Architects is an international design firm that began in December, 2009. Based in Milan, Italy andMinneapolis, Minnesota, USA, the firm believes in asite-driven design process in which no detail is overlooked. Clean lines, elegant form, green technologies, and warmth inmaterials resonate across beautiful design. Work experienceincludes many archetypes, from custom luxury residential toboutique hotels, office and residential towers, andlarge-scale mixed-use masterplans.
Tatami House
Situated on a rural 3+ acre lot, the TatamiHouse stands on the panoramic landscape as a new example of prefabricated sustainable living. The Tatami House sits on ahill overlooking a lake in rural western Minneapolis, Minnesota. The form responds to the site, allowing for the best sustainable performance, while providing the best viewsand interior atmosphere. The house is an object in thelandscape, keeping permeability through layers of space withthermal mass and interior partition screens. The elegance indesign continues from the overall form down to the materiality of these screens and other objects within thehouse. The concept of Tatami originated from schematic formsketches. Tatami mats are a tradition in Japanese housing,usually kept clean for a bed or dining surface. An abstraction of a 4-1/2 mat layout with central hearth becomes the icon of the Tatami House. Central in form, thetatami pattern remains flexible in its positioning, whichrelates to the prefabricated modules that construct the house. Responding to the site and the elements, the kit ofparts shift to adapt to the specific atmospheric conditionswhile fitting the needs of the client. The original tatamiform is rotated to allow sun penetration deep within themodules. The permeability of the external facade responds toprevailing winds, opening towards the southwest and protecting from the northeast. As it is positioned on thesite, the volumes shift to create depth and variation. Thepublic and private program elements are placed inopposition, and the full program is placed within the form.Site analysis and weather data proves that the Tatami House performs well against the elements. With very drastic fluctuation between seasons the construction must remain durable through 90° temperature changes and an average 2½” of precipitation per month. The glazing system incorporates a double pane glass panel with tightly sealededges and insulation to prevent against cracking during thewinter freeze and thaw process. The utilization of thisglazing wall system results in a high daylight factorpresent in over 75% of the house, which will heat thethermal mass of the home year-round.
All on one level, the distribution of the Tatami House rotates around the central fireplace. An entry walkway runsparallel to the garage, arriving at the central space with aview of the fireplace and out through the study. At thenorthwest, the desired hobby room is located for pleasantindirect daylighting. Surrounding this space are the guest bathroom, near the garage to mediate from inside to outside, and the guest bedroom. The guest bedroom has its own private corner location and can serve as the home health aid's roomif and when needed. Towards the south is the study, open to the central space, and with a generous patio and view to the lake. The main entertaining space is located at thesouth-southeast, where the living room, dining room, and kitchen flow together as one. The master bedroom is locatedat the northeast side of the house, with a private realm also overlooking the lake. Ample storage and a large master bathroom are connected to this space. All of the spaces havelarge operable screening panels that open towards thecentral fireplace. This is the heart of the home, which heats in the winter, and serves and the main focal point around which the flow of the house rotates.
The Living Room faces southeast, presenting excellent daylighting as well as a panoramic view outside and down to the lake in the distance. It is open to the adjacent Kitchenand Dining areas, as well as to the central fireplace. Thefloor to ceiling fully operable double pane glazing wallsystem increases daylighting as well as natural ventilation.It brings the outdoors in, blurring the boundary betweeninterior and exterior. External shading systems protect thespace from harsh daylighting in the summer, and letting it in to heat the thermal mass in the winter. Low angle glare from the east and west is also prevented with verticalshading elements. An external deck or patio space allows formore enjoyment of the outdoors, and extends the space when opening the glazing wall system.
The bedroom:
The Master Bedroom is situated in a private realm of the Tatami House. Facing south-southeast, the master bedroom hasa panoramic corner view towards the lake. Wooden verticalshading elements protect from harsh early morning daylightand radiate a soft glow inside the room. A clerestory windowat the north side allows both light and privacy, sitting ona large thermal massing wall. Radiant in-floor heating canalso be applied to evenly distribute heat during the winter months for a pleasant atmosphere. The room is warm and inviting with a beautiful view, a perfect place to reside toat the end of the day.
The Master Bedroom is situated in a private realm of the Tatami House. Facing south-southeast, the master bedroom hasa panoramic corner view towards the lake. Wooden verticalshading elements protect from harsh early morning daylightand radiate a soft glow inside the room. A clerestory windowat the north side allows both light and privacy, sitting ona large thermal massing wall. Radiant in-floor heating canalso be applied to evenly distribute heat during the winter months for a pleasant atmosphere. The room is warm and inviting with a beautiful view, a perfect place to reside toat the end of the day.
The Tatami House is a kit of parts made specifically for prefabrication. In four modules, the house is built up from the concrete sub-floor with care in craft. The thermal massing walls are comprised of concrete, factory made withan internal layer of rigid insulation to reduce thermalbreak between the spaces. This will ensure all rooms arekept at a nice temperature and will reduce the transfer of heat through the wall, resulting in consistent heating ofthe house. The steel glazing systems are designed towithstand harsh environmental change and seal tightly during winter months. The roof and shading elements complete theform and provide a platform from which to utilize sustainable systems. The house is completed on site and results in an elegant form on the landscape. The view fromindoors to out is just as pleasing, with a serene atmospherein the master bathroom. Clean lines and simple forms let the house disappear and let the view take over.
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